Peter Bates > Linking disabled people and communities > Easy-read information about mental health > Easy-read leaflets on citizenship, your rights and the law

Easy-read leaflets on citizenship, your rights and the law

Making your own decisions

Equalities and reasonable adjustments
Human rights and your choices and wishes 
Money, rights and risks
Self advocacy
Your rights as an informal patient
Mental Capacity Act and here
Advanced Directive
Court of Protection – IMHA and questions to ask and questions for your family to ask
Collecting and sharing information and keeping information confidential and sharing information with professionals and family when you are detained
Complaints and here
Your rights under the Accessible Information Standard
Consent and here and here and here
Photography and video consent form

Understanding politics

You and your MP
How laws are made
About Select committees

Voting in local elections

Social care

Personalisation and self directed support
Personal budgets and here and personal health budgets
Personal community-based support
Social care and here

Justice and the law

George Floyd and Black Lives Matter
Power of Attorney
Community order
Your parole review
Getting ready for your parole oral hearing

Mental Health Act

Nearest relative
Community treatment order
Guardianship and here
Detained under the Mental Health Act and your rights and appeals
Having visitors when you are detained
Section 2 and appeal
Section 3 and here and appeal
Section 4
Section 5
Section 17
Section 37
Section 37/41
Section 47 and 47/49
Section 48
Leaving the ward when you are detained