Peter Bates


Welcome to my online home. Here you will find an archive of resources that I have developed over the past thirty years of life and whilst working in human services – in probation, the employment service, social services, the NHS, audit and consultancy.

Most of this experience has been gained in the United Kingdom, although the network of people who have helped me think things through has been decidedly international, and I am indebted to everyone who has shared their insights during training events, over coffee or by engaging in conversation via email. My activities are organised into three main sections:

Please  click the Saleroom tab on the sidebar on the right of your screen if you think there is anything that I can help  you with (some items in there are free!). Below this is the Garden Shed where I place unfinished projects that might benefit from your contribution – do get in touch if you have any insights or suggestions about how to progress these projects. A Subject Index may help you find theme-related work, along with the tab that takes you to my Library of published work. Next is a link to my contact details, along with links to others with whom I am friendly. A few larger projects are listed there for convenience, and finally, for anyone who wants to return here from time to time, a list of Recent Additions will tell you what is new.

As you will have worked out, if you click on anything that is underlined in red it will take you to a new page or download, while holding down the control key  and clicking the + key will make the font size bigger on your screen.

* A note on language. If you see the phrase ‘disabled people’, I am using it in the sense that people with impairments or mental health issues are sometimes disabled by an unequal and excluding society. If you see the phrase ‘people with disabilities’, I am using it in the sense that we are all ‘people first’, and disability or mental distress is just one aspect of who we are. You can see a little more on how labels get used around the disability world here.